Nakhimov: The Ship That Was Sunk Twice

In August 1986, the Soviet cruise liner Admiral Nakhimov collided with a freighter while leaving port and was sunk, killing over 400 people. It was the worst shipping disaster in Soviet history. And strangely enough, this was not the first time the ship had been sunk.

nakghimov in 1925 as berlin
The “Admiral Nakhimov” in 1925, as the German liner “Berlin”

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Cadbury Castle and the Legend of King Arthur

Cadbury Castle, in Somerset, England, doesn’t look like much today–just a terraced hill with some faint outlines of defensive ditch-works. But the site attracts a large number of curious tourists each year because, according to local legend, it is the location of the legendary King Arthur’s Camelot.

A stone marker atop Cadbury Castle

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The Crystal River Nuclear Plant: How Progress Energy Broke Its Own Nuke

In 2009, the Progress Energy company in Tampa Bay FL decided to upgrade its aging nuclear power plant at Crystal River by replacing the plant’s steam generators with newer ones. This was a routine operation that had already been done in several dozen other nukes around the US. But in the case of Crystal River, it turned out to be anything but routine.

Crystal River Unit 3                         Photo by Duke Energy


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